February 2018 – September 2018


Niall Pitcher

Marandoo – Rio Tinto

Southern Waste Fines Storage Facility Early Works and Borefield Road Construction

Convert data as required between Marandoo Mine Grid and MGA Zone 50. Provide clearing lines for the initial clearing and grubbing of a new haul road and material storage area for a tailings dam construction project. Assist to install Leica machine control to a D10 Dozer. Stockpile and clearing surveys and calculations for end of month claims. Initial survey of a 9km road corridor for a start surface model. Progressive Redesigns of the Borefield Road design to suit the best outcome for the project. Identify and locate services along the 9km road and provide dig permit plans, traffic management plans and design plans with aerial overlays when required. Provide Machine Control Models and support for two Topcon Grader guidance setups. Draft Cross Section and Long Section plans and calculate volumes by chainage increments. Provide Asbuilt surface and calculate volumes and areas for end of month claims.